What We Believe
- The Trinity
- Satan
- Sin
- Salvation
- The Bible
- The Church
- Evangelism
- The Gospel
- Baptism
- Dispensations
- The Apostasy
- The Ecumenical Movement
- Biblical Separation and Holiness
- Christian Militancy
- New Evangelicalism
- Contemporary Christian Music
- The Great Tribulation
- Calvinism
- Pentecostalism
- Prayer
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What We Believe
We believe that there is one God in three persons: God The Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was miraculously born of a virgin, Mary. We believe that Jesus is fully and truly God, and fully and truly man. Jesus is the only mediator between God and man, and only Jesus saves from sin.
We believe that Satan, the Devil, was created by God as an angel and was given an important position in Heaven, but then he fell from that position through the sin of pride. Satan was able to persuade one-third of the angels to follow him in his rebellion. These fallen angels became the demons. Satan and his demons work to persuade people to commit sin and, in particular, to reject the authority of Jesus and the Bible. Satan and the demons will be judged one day in Hell, which was prepared for the Devil and his angels.
We believe that sin is the breaking of God’s law. In the Garden of Eden, Eve listened to the Devil and sinned first, and then convinced her husband Adam to sin. All sin must be judged. God will judge those who commit sin at His Great White Throne Judgment. Those men and women whose sins are not covered by the blood of Jesus will join Satan and his Demons in Eternal punishment in the flames of Hell.
We believe that salvation is entirely by grace through faith, apart from of man’s works. Salvation comes about when a sinner turns from sin and trusts Jesus Himself to save him or her from sin. Jesus does all of the saving, and the sinner does none of it. When the sinner trusts Jesus, he or she becomes born again, a new creature, eternally secure in Christ.
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. God inspired the Bible, and it is without error. The Bible shows us God’s truth, and tells us about Jesus. We believe that the canon of scripture is finished, and so we reject any ideas of advanced revelation. We believe that the King James Bible (KJV 1611) is the best translation of God’s Holy Word available today, having been translated from the original languages into English.
We believe that the institution of the local church was set up by Jesus. Attendance and membership in a local New Testament church is God’s plan for the believer, and is not to be forsaken. The church is to be led by a pastor who is to shepherd the people as God’s appointed leader; yet without committing the sin of lording it over the flock.
We believe that God commands the church and individual Christians to tell people the Good News of Jesus. This is an impetus for world missions as well. This we seek to do through evangelism, missions, preaching, the Internet, and other methods. We understand that most people reject the witness of Jesus. Others within the church reject evangelism or missions, or unbiblically redefine evangelism as inviting people to a party without actually telling them about Jesus. We reject such obvious rebellion against the clear command of Jesus to go out into all the world and preach the gospel.
We believe that the Gospel is the “Good News” of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The Gospel’s foundation surrounds the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. It has nothing at all to do with man’s works. Therefore, The Gospel does not consist of raising your hand or coming forward. It is not praying a prayer. It is not having a mental belief. Raising your hand and praying a prayer did not die for you on the cross. Neither did having a mental belief. Good works do not save. Bible doctrines do not save. Only Jesus saves. We therefore believe in telling people to turn from their sins and trust Jesus, who is up in Heaven, so that Jesus can save them from their sins. That is the Good News!
We believe that Jesus gave Christians two ordinances: The Lord’s Supper and Baptism. Baptism means that a believer is bodily immersed in water followed by being raised up out of the water again. Baptism therefore represents the Gospel, which consists of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus gave us the command to preach the Gospel and also to baptize those who have believed on Jesus. It is the duty of all true believers to follow Jesus and the Bible and therefore to be baptized. Baptism, however, is strictly for those who are already saved. Baptism has no part in true conversion, and represents the belief that the one being baptized has already been saved. We therefore believe in and practice the baptism of believers as well as membership in the local New Testament church.
We believe that God has dealt with man in different ways in the past, present, and future. We are currently in the Dispensation of the Church. Throughout all of history, throughout all dispensations, true salvation has always been and will always be by grace through faith in Jesus, apart from any works of man.
We believe that we are currently living in the Great Apostasy, a period of a “falling away” from Biblical truth within professing Christianity. We believe that such men as Rick Warren, Chuck Smith, Billy Graham, Robert Schuler and others have been instrumental in contributing to this Great Apostasy.
We believe that the Ecumenical Movement is Satan’s attempt to bring the world’s religions together in preparation for the Antichrist and his Great Roman Catholic Whore. We believe that Rock-n-Roll music is being used to break down the barriers of separation and expedite this process of Great Apostasy and religious amalgamation.
We believe what God says that without holiness (also called “separation”) no one will see God. We believe that good Christians and their churches must obey Jesus, and come out from, (as well as remain separate from), sin and from those who want to practice sin. We must therefore come out from among those who are moving towards the Great Roman Catholic Whore, CCM music, Biblical unbelief and other sin and apostasy. Nevertheless, such basic Bible doctrines as Biblical Separation and Christian Militancy, are generally rejected in whole or in part by New Evangelicals (and others) within today’s Ecumenical Movement who desire to live an unholy, un-separate, and worldly life.
We believe that Christians are to live for Jesus and the Bible and not to live for sin. Christians are to take a stand against sin, and for Jesus and the Bible. Such a stand means that the authority of Jesus and the Bible comes before the authority of government and of the home. The authority of Jesus and the Bible comes before tradition; before human reason; before personal experience; before emotions; before the opinions of fallen men; and before the lies of Satan, (such as his lies of evolution and psychology.) The authority of Jesus and the Bible also comes before the authority of the pastor in a local church. Nevertheless, Christian Militancy in no way implies either violence or bloodshed. Neither does it imply the idea that “the end justifies the means”, (as practiced by Jesuits and many other Roman Catholics and others). Christian Militancy simply means that Jesus and the Bible must always come first.
We believe that New Evangelicalism represents a repudiation of the basic Bible doctrines of Biblical Separation and Christian Militancy. New Evangelicalism is a central part of today's Great Apostasy, as so many professing Christians move away from the authority of Jesus and the Bible. Pseudo-Fundamentalism is a new form of New Evangelicalism, a form practiced by the late Jerry Falwell and by other non-Fundamentalists. Almost all formerly Fundamentalist churches and their pastors have fallen into New Evangelicalism, although a few New Evangelicals still call themselves by the name “Fundamentalist”. Few have chosen instead to remain faithful to Jesus and the Bible.
We believe that Contemporary Christian Music, or “CCM”, had its historic roots in Rock-n-Roll, whore-house music, and other sensual, sexual, and worldly music. CCM music is therefore wicked, worldly music with some “Christian” words added to make the music seem “Christian”. With its strong ecumenical leanings, we believe that Contemporary Christian Music, or “CCM”, has become a central part of the Great Apostasy by helping to draw people away from Biblical truth, and join them together as they move towards the Great Roman Catholic Whore. We therefore fully reject the music of the late Rich Mullins, Bill Gather, and other CCM musicians. We also reject the work of churches such as Calvary Chapel and Saddleback Church which have been instrumental in promoting wicked and worldly Contemporary Christian Music.
We believe that the Great Tribulation will be a time of great judgment by Almighty God upon a Jesus-rejecting and Bible-rejecting world. The Great Tribulation is now being preceded by a time of Great Apostasy away from Jesus and the Bible. The present Ecumenical Movement will culminate with the Great Roman Catholic Whore, (The Great Whore of Rome), bringing all of the world’s religions together under the Pope’s religious authority. This religious woman of ill-repute will be helped by the Antichrist in this wicked endeavor. Those such as true Fundamentalist Baptists, who put Jesus and the Bible first, will be beheaded (or otherwise murdered) by this end-time “church” of Rome. The Rapture will take all true Christians up to Heaven. Those who are left behind will fall under God’s great judgments. Jesus will then return to Earth; execute all of the Christ-rejecting and Bible-rejecting sinners; bind up Satan in Hell; and set up his Kingdom on Earth. After a thousand years, God will let Satan out of Hell for a short while, the Earth will be destroyed, and God will create a new Heavens and Earth. There will also be a Great White Throne judgment of the wicked, with all those who rejected Jesus on Earth being cast into The Lake of Fire to burn there forever.
We believe that Jesus and the Bible must always come first. Therefore, when a system of theology comes along which places reason; tradition; advanced revelation; emotion; experiences; feelings; or anything else before the Bible, we must reject it. Jesus and the Bible must always come first! We therefore reject the systematic theology of Calvinism. (We also reject Arminianism as well -- particularly the Semi-Pelagianism doctrines of the heretic Charles Finney.) Calvinism teaches that all men are totally depraved, which we also believe because the Bible teaches it in many places. However, Calvinism also teaches that some men and women cannot be saved by Jesus -- a doctrine which is clearly against the Bible. Calvinism often leads to such errors as: fatalism; a refusal to actively and personally evangelize; a refusal to send out missionaries; the idea that God is a tyrant; coldness in prayer, (due to a belief that God will do what He will do anyway); and many, many other problems. Nevertheless, we do not reject Calvinism because of such problems. Instead we reject Calvinism because it goes against Jesus and the Bible.
We believe that Pentecostalism is Satan’s counterfeit to true revival. God sent a true revival to Wales and other places in 1904-1905. Soon after this genuine movement of God, there followed a satanic revival counterfeit, called the Azusa Street Revival. From this wicked confusion and sin-filled beginning sprang the Pentecostal Movement -- Satan’s counterfeit of true revival. Pentecostalism has become quite popular. From Pentecostalism has sprung such doctrines as Prosperity Theology and Tongues. The Soft Charismatic movement and Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapel also came forth from these Pentecostal roots. Pentecostalism in its various forms emphasizes many things, but rarely either Jesus or the Bible. The result is that all-too-often churches which are packed with lost churchgoers who have spoken in tongues or have “prayed a prayer”; but who do not know that they are wretched, blind, miserable, poor, and spiritually naked. Jesus described such people in the third chapter of Revelation.
We believe that prayer changes things. Prayer is to glorify God, and all prayer should be made to God The Father. Prayer, however, is not simply to “get things” to make us rich, or to otherwise please us. Prayer is the way to obtain our daily needs from God and to help others as well. Prayer also helps to build up our faith in Jesus and the Bible. However, Jesus strongly implied that today’s “Last Day’s” church would not pray prayers of faith. We believe that this is the case. Many reasons for today's general lack of faith could be given, such as: seemingly countless Bible “versions”, lost church members, prayer-less pastors and preachers; “canned” sermons; television time replacing prayer time, and affluent Christians who do not rely on God for their basic needs. Nevertheless, we are told to always pray and not faint. We must therefore obey Jesus and the Bible and pray.